
 A written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, and views of its female author. May include themes of empowerment, independence, self love, consciousness, affirmation, and individual acceptance; your positive beliefs about yourself. Created to give self-described definition in regards to the innate beauty inside of every woman. Yes, even you.


Yep. It's now defined on the internet and officially a part of the English language. Because I said so.

Years and years ago, I read my favorite book for the first time and felt so inspired, so empowered, so impressed with myself for simply existing that I wrote my own Womanifesto. I embraced my flaws, sang of my strengths, acknowledged my past, dreamed of my future and let myself just be... me. It was liberating to say the least. I uncovered it just a week ago, and I was profoundly humbled by the power that it still held when I read it again. And again. I still believe everything I wrote! I still feel it with every fiber of my being! My self declaration is timeless and will not age. 

May I suggest that you create the same?

///Click the image to read.
My original post/easy to read version is here.///

The guidelines of this link up are simple: 
write your own declaration of self validation. There is no correct format, there are no correct words, there is only you, delving deep inside and writing down who you are and how wonderful that is.

Have you heard Jill Scott sing her Womanifesto? I love her so much.
If you need more inspiration, try reading this whole archive of Womanifestos... they are so wonderfully diverse and meaningful.

This simple act may be more powerful than you realize...
By contributing and linking back to this page, we will be creating a library of strong and powerful women who know who they are, what they are capable of and what they can look forward to. My hope it to let this grow and reach as many women looking for permission to be their (perfectly imperfect) selves as possible.

Want to join? I want you to join. Just post your Womanifesto on your page and link the post back here with the button on the bottom. I invite you to share this "link up" on your blog to let others know that they can contribute too. There are no rigid rules, just make it yours.


Badge, button, or both?:
(more here)

The Militant Baker

xoxoxoxox forevs, 


  1. Hey Jes!
    Thanks for checking out my blog and inviting me into your world. Your about page made me laugh a lot. And I really appreciate your down to earth, no holds barred approach to blogging. I just added your favorite book to my wish list and I think this is a great challenge. Oh and one more thing, I too am a sucker for Dean :)

  2. This is AMAZING. As soon as I get a chance I am joining in. Such a great challenge :)

    xo Shane

  3. Ok ..this just rules! Totally going to join in this week! :) XO

  4. Thank you so much for posting this exercise-- I've been doing a lot of that "self discovery" lately so it was nice to write down where I am and compare that to how I used to be. I feel so much stronger just being myself now! :)

  5. I just started subscribing to your blog (recommended by Rachele at NearsightedOwl) and you are so inspiring! Yay for empowerment!

  6. Oh no! Did I miss the link-up opportunity!? Damn vacation. I knew I should have put a night aside to write my womanifesto before I left.

    Either way, though, I'll be posting mine on Friday, if you want to check it out.


  7. So going to do this, but I can't read yours as it's too small even when I click on it to enlarge. Boo.

  8. I am sad to see the link is closed :( But I did one anyways :)

  9. So I hate I missed the link up but I did one and would love for you to read it here:

  10. My womanifesto is here:
    I would love if some other ladies (and lads!) read it.

    Have a beautiful day!

  11. I know I'm late, but I just recently found your badass blog. I was inspired and so I wrote my own here: Thanks for being such an inspiration.

  12. this was truly liberating and fun and exciting and I've got my girlfriends talking. I found this through MacKensie and it was a great idea! I can't wait to read through the links up above!

    Here is my link:

    Have you thought about doing this again in March for "Her"story month?

  13. I know it's too late to join the official Link Up, but I was inspired and wrote a womanifesto too. I hope this idea keeps going and growing!


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