A random couple found me online and asked me to take engagement pictures for them...
Well, actually: the Mr. wanted pictures of the actual proposal and staged an entire afternoon all by himself so it could happen as a surprise in front of the pond. It was detailed, intricate, and adorable. It was also really hard to not ruin the moment by being the creepy tattooed chick behind the palm tree was taking pictures of them after they started mackin'.

I really need a shutter muffler.

It was an good experience for me, seeing as I had never met either of them before and had to make them feel comfortable in front of the camera... and because their conservative style was totally new to me.
Hence, the black and white.

Congrats M & J!


  1. That's so funny! I can just picture you creepin' about taking pictures. I can only imagine what the missus was thinking, haha.

    Super cute!

  2. i love that second picture. it looks like the dog is excited too!


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