We all find ourselves in crisis at some point in our life. Maybe lots and lots of points, even. The duration and intensity of these crises depends on circumstances, biological makeup, and a few other factors, but the reality is  . . . we’re all going to need a little help to make it through this thing called life, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
One of the most terrifying feelings this concept can bring up is “What if I’m all alone?” or “What if I don’t have any support?” My dear friend, let me tell you something: You’re never truly alone. You’re not alone in your experiences — many of us are there fighting the same battles. You’re not alone in fear — we also deal with hopelessness as well. And you’re not alone in this world — there are resources available for you, should you want them.
Let me give you a few to keep in your pocket for the next time you might need some outside and professional help:
Phone hotlines to know:
National Hopeline Network (Crisis Hotline)1-800-SUICIDE // 1-800-784-2433
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline1-800-273-TALK // 1-800-273-8255
Suicide and Crisis Hotline and Adolescent Crisis Intervention and Counseling Nineline1-800-999-999
Adolescent Suicide Hotline1-800-621-4000
Suicide Prevention - The Trevor HelpLine (Specializing in gay and lesbian youth suicide prevention)
The Trans Lifeline (Dedicated to the wellbeing of transgender people)
US: 877-565-8860
Canada: 877-330-6366
Mental Health Crisis Hotline1-800-273-TALK
Exhale (An after-abortion hotline)1-866-439-4253
Grief support hotline:
Sexuality support hotline:1-800-246-7743
Eating disorder hotline:1-847-831-3438
Therapist resources:
Help Finding a Therapist via phone:1-800-THERAPIST // 1-800-843-7274
To find a
Other options:Talk space ( is a website where, for a monthly fee, you can communicate with your choice of hundreds of therapists to whatever extent you feel comfortable with.
There are also a TON of mental health-related apps that can assist you wherever you are. If you want more options, check out “Resources When You Can Not Afford Therapy.
As someone who has several mental illnesses (depression and borderline personality disorder, baby!) and has also worked with many adults with similar diagnoses, I can guarantee you that no matter who we are or what we are dealing with — support is the tool we all inevitably need. And that support can look like a million different things: people we are close to, books that lift us up, endorphins, therapy, art exploration, and other positive to-dos that can bring our head above water.
For some of us, though, the thought of talking to a person we are close to may seem like “too much” and, maybe this time . . .  expressive art isn’t going to solve our problems. I get it. Not everything is going to work every time for every person. For those moments, I suggest an anonymous phone call to a person dedicated to helping you get through right now. This is about you and your right to feel OK again, y’know?
If I could leave you with one last thought, it would be this: Your mental health crisis is not your fault. We are a product of our chemistry and the sum of our collective experiences, and we cannot fully control either. We are born into our bodies, and our biological makeup dictates a lot of how we experience the world. You don’t need to feel guilt or shame about a condition or situation that is out of your control.
And you know what else? I think you’re really brave. Facing difficult situations in life and still managing to getting out of bed? That’s brave. Staying in bed and realizing that you may need help? That is also brave. Either way: You are enough, it’s going to be OK, and you deserve all the support you need.
This was first published on Ravishly which makes me happy on the inside.

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