I'm sitting on my living room floor with (a cat or two and) 160 of your names/addresses in my hand. I'm getting ready to send you some sharpie love via postcard and I'm getting increasingly emotional as I read your names and where you all hail from. You amazing people are from everywhere... nearly all 50 states, in fact. You also come from France, England, Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland and so many more.
Holy fuck, I love you all so hard.
Thank you for your support. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your touching emails. Thank you for sharing your stories with me. Thank you for surviving in this world when it makes it as difficult as possible to do so. Thank you for your gifts of positivity, strength, and kindness. Thank you for spreading those things across the globe. And thank you for being a part of all of this with me... I couldn't do it without you.
Like this blog? Then you'll probably love my book Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls. TNOWTFG " is a manifesto and call to arms for people of all sizes and ages." Learn more here.
Want to hear me speak? I'd love to visit your campus or come to your event! You can find more info here or you can just email me at themilitantbaker at gmail.com. Cheers!
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