Isabel Foxen Duke, Mellissa Fabello, Virgie Tovar, Diane Bondy, I are five of ELEVEN people that are going to be chattin' with y'all about body love within the Adore Your Body Telesummit starting on May 9th. Wahoo!

Things to know:

* It's on teh web so you can listen in while lounging nude and drinking champagne! (Which is what I plan to do, duh.)

*We've all given our time so it's completely fuckin' free w
hich makes me happier than you'd believe. Zero dollars. All the empowerment. YES to that equation.

* It's full of my favorite people who KNOW THEIR SHIT when it comes to this subject. I signed up and plan on listening/learning too.

* You have to sign up to get the emails so make sure you do that here!

(Thanks Erica for putting this together... you're a bad-ass.!!!)

From the website:

I'm new to this kind of event: what the heck is a telesummit?!?

A telesummit is a virtual educational event, where you can get information through lectures or interviews held over the phone or online. Easily accessed, when you want. You could listen in clad in your PJs!

O.K., So, when exactly is this telesummit happening?

May 9th through May 19th. When you share your email, you'll receive a link to access one, short (25-40 minute) interview daily. We'll email it to you. One a day. Like a multivitamin. You can listen to the interviews when it suits you.

And what exactly is the Adore Your Body Telesummitabout?

The Adore Your Body Telesummit is about fostering body image positivity through sharing stories about body image struggle, and techniques for changing the way we think about our bodies. Each contributor will reveal their top 3 best practices for staying in an affectionate relationship with the body. That's 33 unique tips!

Is there a cost for this event?

Nope! It's complimentary.

Oh, wait--can I sign up, even if May 9th has passed?

Heck, yeah! You'll get all the daily announcements with links, and the interviews you've missed too.

I noticed that all the speakers are women. Is this event relevant to men too?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! I intend to organize another event focusing specifically on men, LGBT, and other marginalized voices in this space. The advice of the contributors transcends these boundaries, though. Please sign up!

So, y'all, whatcha waitin' for? Sign up here and I'll see you in yr inbox soon!

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