Have you ever been to a pop-up clothing swap?
If so, I can almost guarantee it wasn't as awesome as this one will be!
Truth: I've never been a huge fans of clothing swaps. I always fear the fat girl fate of leaving with a pair of earring and a vow to never attend again because I couldn't find anything in my size. The brilliant Body Love Conference fundraising team wants to change that! They've created an AMAZING event that not only guarantees diversity in sizes (you bet your ass half my wardrobe will be there!) but ALSO an opportunity to have hair, makeup and photos done after you've arrived and found the outfit of your dreams. Or before. The point is: IT'S A SHOP + MODEL EVENT and the proceeds all go towards the Body Love Conference!
"Remember that time you walked into a store and couldn't find a SINGLE thing that worked for your body? And the other time. And the time after that, and...
Because we've all been there (and we love you SO much) we've created the first ever Body Love Pop Up Clothing Swap!! Yes! We've got clothes for YOU! And YOU! And yes, even YOU!!
Bring your friends and join the ladies of #BLC15 for an afternoon of fun, shopping, and brunchy- noshing in a safe, supportive, body POSITIVE atmosphere! Don't worry if you hesitate with fashion - we'll have personal stylists on hand to make sure you're all kinds of divine.
We'll have personal stylists AND professional makeup artists (available for touch ups), hair stylists, and photographers on hand to capture your MOMENT. You're going to want a pic to look back on and remember the awesome day you spent PRE-BLC15!
Here's the details so YOU can join US, and get all your fabulousness on!
What: The Body Love Conference Pop Up Clothing Swap
When: Sunday, November 2, 2014
Where: Tucson YWCA
525 Bonita Ave, Tucson, AZ 85745
How much:
$8 if you bring items to swap
$15 if you just wanna shop!
Tell your friends! Tell your mom! Tell your friend's mom and your mom's friends! Tell the girl in front of you in the Starbucks line! We'll have styles and sizes for everyone, as well as accessories and pop up "shops" from local crafters and jewelry designers!
Don't miss this event!
(Oh, and just in case you needed yet ANOTHER reason to join us for this event - ANY LEFTOVER CLOTHES WILL BE DONATED TO THE YWCA "YOUR SISTER'S CLOSET"! HOW AWESOME IS THAT????)
More info on the conference that the swap is benefiting can be found here: http://
If you'd like more information, just leave your email address below and I'll send you an invite!
Come hang out with some of the raddest ladies in Tucson! And men and others that don't identify with this event, don't worry! We have an event coming for you as well...This is the first of many!
Clothing + brunch + shopping + community + body positive atmosphere + kick ass people + sexy photos of you = I WILL SEE YOU THERE!
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