The last day of San Francisco was incredible. Incredible, y'all.

After finding a pumpkin spice latte (they're only in Tucson in the fall!) and a cute place called Homeskillet, I was picked up by the beautiful, inspiring, and brilliant Denise Jolly. If you don't know her, you need to fix that. STAT.
She is the lady behind the #BeBeautiful campaign, the fearless subway photo as well as the Madonna inspired image. I met a LOT of new strangers on this trip with wonderful results. Denise was no exception. She drove me around Oakland, Berkeley and San Fran while we proceeded to have the most amazing brain sex ever.
Have you ever met those people where you connect immediately? Where everything that comes out of their mouth makes you wanna say "HELL YEAH!" Where you feel like you've known them forever, and you never wanna let them go? That is what we had.

We visited The Fat Lady (it was only appropriate), toured the Burning Man art, stopped by her adorable house and took pictures with her original #BeBeautiful reminders, and had incredible coffee. I was sad she had to work and leave me on the adorable Valencia street! But I was pacified by Dandelion Chocolate's s'more.

The evening was spent doing an amazing experiment called: READER DINNER! There were so many amazing ladies that wanted to meet up that we decided to all get together for a meal. That way I could hug their sexy bodies and they could meet people from the area. Holy jesus guyz, SO MUCH FUN.

I rocked my favorite Target skirt, and felt it fit right in at The Lookout where we followed dinner with kick ass karaoke. I love me some karaoke. And I especially love Alanis done well. Which Rachael rocked so hard that everyone screamed and cheered way longer than we should have.

I don't know if that makes ANY sense at all, but I love me some Tucson. And sex. I missed the sex.
Have you been to San Francisco? Any favorite memories?
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