25 Things Fat People Shouldn't Do is an unabashed middle finger to the preposterous idea that any human who weighs more than the status quo does not deserve to live a full and well rounded (ahem) life. The list of 25 is composed word for word from direct lists of sheer assholery found on the internet. These range from the absurd to the profoundly shameful, and I will be disproving this offensive notion with style. Feel free to join in on the fun, and if you do, link at the bottom so I can share. May the Chub Club live long and prosper!

It's not that I believe that there is ever an intelligent theory behind the items on this list (I mean, we're obviously not dealing with highly evolved human beings here), but this particular one I truly can't figure out. Fat people shouldn't wear glitter because... we wear excess fabric and you're afraid the reflection will sear a hole in a retina or two?

Guys, I know that seems silly but I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt that there is a somewhat legitimate concern to back up this ridiculous "Shouldn't". Well, anyways, I've never personally been blinded by any amount of glitter, so I'll just put that out there and you can do with it what you will. Shit, when I was a rebellious 6 year old I stared at the sun just because I wasn't supposed to, and I still aint got no burnt eyeballs. Can't imagine glitter out shining the sun, but what do I know?

I've been feeling pretty boss lately so I ditched the shirt idea and wore my glittertastic dress around Manhattan. I received multiple compliments, and witnessed zero clutching of eyeballs accompanied by screams of pain. I think I'll keep the glitter thank you, and I'll take yours if you don't want it!

Wanna join in? Grab some glittery garb and then write about it. I wanna know if you incinerate anyone, so don't forget to link up at the bottom of this post! The full list is here. Now go show them who's boss.


  1. This is FANTASTIC. Go glitter girl. I think the person who first said fat girls shouldn't wear glitter was a jealous drag queen.

    *Digs out glitter hair spray to wear to medical board review... it matches the shoes.*

  2. This is FANTASTIC. Go glitter girl. I think the person who first said fat girls shouldn't wear glitter was a jealous drag queen.

    *Digs out glitter hair spray to wear to medical board review... it matches the shoes.*

  3. I think this is fabulous and all I have to say, in my best 80's cartoon voice is "Go Go Glitter Girl". I'm pretty sure whoever wrote that large ladies shouldn't wear glitter were jealous drag queens.

    *Grabs glittery hairspray to wear to medical board review on Monday because it matches the sandals and maxi dress*

  4. No glitter, wHHAT! That's similar to saying a fat girl can't wear diamonds.
    I love your dress and i love how look in it. It looks even better because i can see how confident you feel in it.
    Love your blog, love how good you make me feel about myself through reading your life's ponderings and pictures.

    Jules aka @Flabbyface

  5. I have to say, I don't wear a glittery dress, mostly because I don't own one, but I do wear a dress about as short as yours, maybe a smidge shorter, with knee high argyle socks. I love the way I feel in it, but it never fails that I get the evil eye from other women when I wear it. I mean...it comes down past my fingers when I extend my arms down my side, but it -is- short. I like it. My Partner likes it. So I never really understand why other women really feel the need to try and make me feel shame for wearing it. Their dry little mouths pull up into a pinched miserable pucker making their whole expression really sour. I feel like they must be really miserable to try and make someone they don't know feel miserable too. I find it really funny to be honest.

  6. I love glitter. It makes me happy. I try to live my life such that I leave a little glitter everywhere i go....

  7. I love glitter. It makes me happy. I try to live my life such that I leave a little glitter everywhere i go....

  8. can I link to an old one, or does it have to be the glitter one? I'm so giddy to have found this but also so sad that I found it so late in the game!

  9. Glitter is great! And I really like that dress, super cute =D

    You're in Manhattan now? Any particular reason or for kicks and giggles?

  10. You're a total babe! x x

  11. oh i love that dress! how pretty! and seriously, this is the one that really makes no sense to me. the other ones i can see WHY someone would say them, even if it is idiotic, but wtf, glitter?

  12. You rock!
    I love reading your blog and will be spreading the word! :)

  13. OMG I so want that dress!

    I so love your blog and it makes me feel better to know that there are people in the world out there who love me just the way I am.

  14. I love sparklie clothes. Wearing some outrageous floral leggings with sparklies on them today :) WIll have to get a pic of the outfit. Did link to a post I did of an outfit I have wearing a snakeskin patterned shirt I adore (with a way cool back that fat chicks shouldn't be wearing either LOL!)

  15. Amen, girlfriend! I just found my new favorite blog! :-)

  16. I think I'd actually die if I didn't have glittery, shiny, fun clothes to wear. And jewelry. And hair doodads. And... and... STUFF. I *loooooooooooove* glittery things and they make me happy when I wear them. :D

  17. SPARKLY.


  18. Love, love, LOVE the dress. I'm currently crocheting a glittery cardigan, size 20/22. No one and nothing will stop me from wearing it.


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