I've been shooting a lot of beautiful women (with a camera lens, silly!) for the Lady Bookworms project and it is SHOCKING how every single one of these gorgeous babes will berate themselves in front of a camera. While taking "boob portraits" someone would say  "Ugh, I don't have much..." or "I don't have anything to show off" or "I'm so embarrassed that they're not perfect". It's hard to believe that almost every single person suffers from some sort of physical insecurity. What the hell?

Ladies. Listen. 
You're perfect. 
Every single one of you, just the way you are.

I've never had boob confidence issues because as a fat girl, boobs are the only part of your body that society allows you love. And, lord knows, I've got boobs until the cows come home. In taking these IPOMS pictures, however, I found myself inadvertently hating on my chin. Or rather, my triple chin. But thanks to these sequential photo-op experiences, I had to stop and realize that no one hates my chin except for me. And no one thinks that these boobs are sub-par except for her/them. It's a completely fabricated mental state of being. In other words: "If it doesn't get thought, it doesn't exist." It's really that elementary, my dear reader.

So I've made a promise to my face. 
I'll stop hating it, and start loving it instead. After all, it does some pretty awesome things.

One of my favorite lines from Regina Spektor says:

"I've got a perfect body, though sometimes I forget...
I've got a perfect body, 'cause my eyelashes catch my sweat."

You should probably listen to that song.

Thanks Rachele for inspiring ladies to love themselves just the way they are.
Amy too.

Oh, and Moorea, I'm wearing red lipstick.


  1. I honestly was so happy with my body for the past couple years. I even fell in love with all the freckles and moles and white skin and two big(ish) feet. Being pregnant has really changed all sorts of things. I'm not even sure if my "size" counts/meets all the requirements here or if it's in a different class all its own. I can no longer see my girly parts and I know my toes will be next. No pants, skirts, shorts or capris fit. My belly button is making its way up to the surface of my belly and I'm finding that pregnant girls/women are not included in the "sexy" category defined by societies standards. There are no pregnant mommas in bikini catalogs or on covers of magazines (well, besides garbage tabloids of celebrities...). I find myself crying some days, wishing I had my "old body" back. I know it's selfish and I'm doing something really awesome and great and my body is made for this. It's just so hard to feel sexy/pretty/attractive/desirable etc. when my body shape is changing and I have very little control over it and there is a very small demographic that promotes the beauty of pregnant bodies. Even in IPOMS, there are no pregnant girls...

    1. Please do one. Please take some pictures and love your pregnant body and link up and show ladies that you are (in my humble opinion) super sexy...

      And for the record, I have subscribed to the belief that pregnant ladies are THE sexiest. I have body crushes on them and think that there is nothing more natural and gorgeous and sensual than a lady with a baby belly.

      I'm serious. For what that's worth;)

    2. Hm. All I have is a dinky point n shoot and no one to take pictures of me but yours truly. Also, what size would I put?? Pregnancy sizes aren't really the same as non-preg sizes... I think you should come and shoot me (with your camera, duh) in the belly, that would solve all my problems :D

    3. Uhm, you put the months pregnant you are and then have mike shoot it. silly.

      p.s. I'm working on a post just for you.

  2. You are gorgeous!!

    Such a wonderful post. I really need to try to learn to love some parts of myself.

    Ps: I totally wish I was close enough for you to shoot me!!



    1. I wish I could shoot you too! Promoting positive body image through sexy portraits is one if my favorite things ever!

  3. Guuurrrrl you sho nuff is struttin' YOU!!!! I LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! this post! In my first link-up, I expressed my issue with my arms & I took off the sweater hidin'em; YOU've just inspired me to work on my thighs...eeeekkkkk! But Ima do it! YOU go guurrl! Thank YOU so very much for being YOU!!!!!!! Please don't think ima creep...I'm just truly insipired by YOUR acceptance of YOURSELF! Tootles! ~SimplyyMayra

    1. Aw thanks Mayra! I never think body acceptance compliments are creepy!

  4. Fabulous my dear! Absolutely fabulous!! =D I love my body, but trying to find clothes that I like that flatter my body is a pain in the tush.

    Plus you look amazing in red lipstick ;D And I think you should wear it more often.

  5. This post was awesome (as are all of the link ups Rachele does!) I'm definitely much more comfortable with my body than I was say, 2 years ago, even though I still have my daily hangups. I believe in body positivity and I try to always preach that on my blog, even when I fail to practice what I preach. Such a wonderful thing to read, lady! xx

    1. Tell me about it! There are always those self depreciating nit picky thoughts that creep up on us even when were trying so hard to love ourselves just the way we are! Part of life I guess:) thanks for the kind words, love... I also appreciate your honesty and candor un your posts!

  6. Love this post, and I love your outfit! Super badass! I love the way you look. I'm still working on loving my body, some days are better than others but it's a work in progress.

    1. Some days are totally better than others:) we gotta rock it when we can.

  7. Just found your blog via Rachele @ The Nearsighted Owl. You are one awesome lady and you are rockin that outfit!!!

    1. Thanks! I just found your blog yesterday and was lovin all over it!

  8. I drew you! http://notesofadeadprofessor.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/militant-baker.html
    I don't feel like I've done you justice, but I hope you like it anyway!
    I have to say, I adore your blog, I'm super glad you posted on mine because I think you're fast becoming one of my favourites. I love everything you stand for, and you look fab in these photos :)


  9. Love this sexy cowgirl look! Meow! I used to pick through photos and post only the less chinny ones. But then I started to realize that was silly and I was missing out on posting fun shots. I am totally over worrying about my double/triple/infinite chins! I have learned to love it.

  10. you are such an inspiration. you're lovely and gorgeous and thank you for existing. i love your blog, i love your words, i love how you are yourself no matter what. you make me want to be more myself.

    internet <3s.


  11. Love this post. Also, love the wonderful Regina Spektor reference. That's one of my favorite songs of hers!!

  12. My face (big cheeks/double chin) has always been the largest struggle for my self-love.

    Some days I am confident through the roof, and other days.. it's like "When everyone else is beautiful except me"

    It is only my body, and my face, that I ever have issues with. I look at you and I am blown away by how beautiful you are - and quoting a Regina Spektor song - who is my favourite artist by the way - makes me adore you even further. I will be following your posts from now on.


  13. You know what, I castigate myself in front of others so that they will know that I KNOW what my flaws are. So that they will know that I'm not fooling myself. I realize how fucking stupid that is, but I don't think I'll ever be able to stop apologizing for who I am, and I've wasted so many years.


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