My mom made fruit pizza for every extra special event in my life from ages 8-21.
Yes, even for my questionable 21st birthday party. I could write a novel about how awesome my mom is, but that would take forever so I'll focus on how awesome this fruit pizza is. Besides the fact that it was a nostalgic childhood  favorite, it's delicious with equal parts of crunchy, sweet, fresh, and tart. Its also pretty much perfect for summer picnics.

I made a grown up version, but if we're going to be honest children could make this on their own with supervision. And that's just rad.

This recipe takes three simple parts: sugar cookie crust, cream cheese frosting, and fresh fruit.

For the sugar cookie crust, I might just buy refrigerated dough and save yourself the hassle of getting all the ingredients. OR if you loooooooove to bake and have the access to everything found in a cookie recipe try this one. You overachiever, you.

Use 1-2 cups (depending on the thickness you want) of the dough and press it into a round pan. This is pretty flexible also, so if you only have a sheet pan use that. Or muffin tins, or a pie pan. I used a springform cheesecake pan and it worked awesome. Make sure you grease it, push the dough in (think giant cookie) and bake it for twice as long as the recipe says. Basically, bake it until the top is golden brown. Cool.

I find most cream cheese frosting recipes to be a little on the heavy side, so I stick to my number one recipe... wanna know what it is? Ok, fine. I'll share.

Jes's Kick Ass Cream Cheese Frosting

 8 oz softened cream cheese (not hot, just soft)
1/4 c softened butter
1/8 c sour cream
1 t vanilla
2 c powdered sugar

Using a mixer paddle whip the cream cheese for 2 minutes on high. Scrape, add the butter and mix again for another minute. Add the sour cream and vanilla and then slowly add the powdered sugar while intermittently scraping the side. Pour the frosting into the middle of the cooled ginormous cookie and spread it towards the edges. Top with fresh fruit! I used berries, but you can add mango, pineapple, grapes, apple etc. Oh my god good.

Whats your nostalgic childhood dessert?


  1. That looks delicious!

    The cake that I love the most is dirt cake. My mom made it for me on my first birthday and apparently I started crying right away (due to fear or joy, we'll never know). But now whenever I can, I make it.

    Actually, I've just decided. I'm going to make my dirt cake for my birthday (which is in July).

    Thanks for the nostalgia! I love it!!

  2. I need this in my belly right now!

  3. My most nostalgic dessert is this steamed cherry bread thing that my mom used to make. She'd get fresh cherries from a local orchard, pit 'em, and steam up this faaaabulous dessert that was moist and heavy and tart and... *insert Homer Simpson drool-face* I would make myself sick off of it and go back for more. I'm cravin' that so hard right now. *lol*

  4. Carrot cake! My gramma used to bake it every single week! It´s a very fluffy cake, with a delicious chocolate topping. (I'm brazilian, and never found something as fantastic as this lil recipe of my nana) =)


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