A friend of mine complimented me on a huge shift that I've really been feeling/embodying this last year and while the change seemed to happen like THAT *snaps fingers really dramatically*, the TRUTH IS... that I've been actively working on living in this headspace for years.
Like, the "Pushing-against-an-impossibly-huge-mountain-while-sweating-and-crying-so-much-you-cant-tell-the-difference-while-covered-in-dirt" kind of work. It just LOOKED like I made a mountain move a few months ago to others... because they didn't see the OhMyGodThisSucksSoHard shuffle I've been doing behind the scenes to make it budge the way it eventually did.
My therapist calls this "a slow build" and I'm (yes, slowly) learning that it's the most effective way for me to make progress. (Maybe you identify with this too?)
Fast-paced social media posts warp our expectations all the time and makes it easy to feel like we're not moving/progressing/improving/working/EXISTING "fast enough." But the truth is... almost everything worthwhile takes a kajillion tiny, NOT pretty, DEFINITELY NOT Instagram-able steps to get there.
So if you're feeling like your baby steps aren't enough... they are. Keep going. I'm cheering you on while we both are shuffling along while covered in dirt, sweating and crying a bunch. It's worth it, bb.
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