(Photo via Thaddeus Rombauer)
Have you ever wondered if you can bring THIS babe to your university, college, or event? WELL, I'M HERE TO MAKE YOUR DAY BECAUSE YOU CAN!
I adore sharing the reality of body image brainwashing, ways you can rid your life of it, answering questions and hugging you afterwards. I've lectured on this bajillion times... and I'd love to come to you too.
Some words about the lecture:
In her brilliantly irreverent presentation "Change the World, Love Your Body.", Baker explores the state of our current body image issues, shares 10 effective ways for participants to individually re-frame the way they perceive themselves, and clearly illustrates how implementing these 10 actions will positively affect us all on a global level.
Baker uses personal anecdotes, empirical data, and a comedic approach while covering critical conservation topics including: the historical evolution behind our current idyllic body type, the stigma surrounding mental illness, the correlation between weight and health, the importance of“culture jamming”, why neuroplasticity and affirmations are for everyone, and how to use the way we present ourselves as a form of political resistance.
Baker informs each person that they can in fact “change the world by loving your body” and shows that by learning to love yourself as you are, you can join in a revolution that directly improves our societal structure on an international level. Come ready to challenge the notion that body love is exclusive in this powerful, passionate and progressive presentation.
I can't WAIT to meet you, sign a book or two and tell you how rad you are. SEE YOU SOON?!?
MacRae Speakers & Entertainment, LLC.
Kevin R. MacRae, President
PO Box 535
Pembroke, MA 02358
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