Do you ever find a person on the internet that leaves you with your mouth agape while you scroll through their pictures? And then 30 minutes later you're still scrolling through their photos but now- not only is your mouth still open, but your soul (and sometimes your crotch) is on fire?

Anyone? Anyone? I know it's not just me.

This has happened a handful of times. Once with Kyla. Once with Virgie. Once with Kelly and now with Chelsea who Tumblrs at "Workin On It" and has a seriously sexy Instagram called "The Chza." From the mouth of the babe: 
Chelsea / 25 / photographer / hip hop enthusiast / kitchen queen / bipolar cope-r / style mess / wild child / positive thinker.
All of those things AND: MASSIVE INSPIRATION FOR UNAPOLOGETIC LIVING TO JES BAKER. In all caps. Don't argue with me.

I don't normally do "crush" posts, but I can't think of a better way to highlight this woman than to just show you her magnificence. Her VBO (headlining in this post) combined with her transparent talk about mental illness combined with her obvious authenticity... well. Here you go:

"My mental health advice for today: take care of yourself. Take your meds, stay away from triggers, do what’s best for you, keep you doctor appointments, never skip meds. I’m emphasizing that one because it made such a difference for me."

"I'm hot."


"2016 will be my Leslie Knope year, I’m callin' it." 

"This is my “pretending to be a rich bitch” selfie set. Goddamn money means the world to me."

Her Tumblr is here and of course you should follow her IG if you're into that kind of thing.

NOW, I know I'm not the only one with huge internet crushes. TELL ME WHO YOURS IS! All I want in life is to go through a list of those you find massively inspirational and to click like until I can't anymore. Give me something awesome to do this weekend while my Boo is out of town. Please.

P.S. You can check out other amazing crushes here!

Like this blog? Then you'll probably love my book Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls. TNOWTFG "is a manifesto and call to arms for people of all sizes and ages." Learn more here.

Want to hear me speak? I'd love to visit your campus or come to your event! You can find more info here or you can just email me at themilitantbaker at Cheers!

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