Holy JESUS I have exciting news for you!

1.) I'm going to be in NYC on WEDNESDAY, September 3rd! It's been FAR too long, and if you're in town I wanna see you!

2.) The world is shifting, y'all. Body positivity is jumping into the big leagues and being adopted by some really big names. It's no longer stuffed underground.. it's gaining momentum! Do we have a long way to go? Totally, Have we  made unbelievable progress? Hell yeah!

3.) ModCloth is one of those companies embracing body love. One of the founders just wrote about her body image issues and how important she believes inclusivity is in advertising. She also noted that ModCloth was the first fashion company to sign a kick ass Truth in Ads pledge that promises to not digitally alter bodies which, shiiiiiiiit, I'm all about. (You can see more here.)

4.) The best one of them all: YOU GET TO BE PART OF THE CHANGE. And what I mean by that is: ModCloth is kicking off Fashion Week early with an open model call and YOU'RE INVITED. Seriously. They want to represent YOUR body and so they're having a pop-up photo event and I'm gonna be there. Bring your fashion A GAME and come tell me all about your thoughts on body love, diversity, Photoshop, the fashion world, inclusivity in advertising... and whatever the fuck else you wanna talk about! There is going to be press and we're gonna make a movie and ModCloth is gonna post some of your pictures on their FB and blog and, and and... sounds pretty great huh?


I love this concept. I love NYC. I love companies that walk the talk. I love modeling. I love cute dresses. I love these Cicada earrings that I'm definitely gonna wear. I love you.  I LOVE BODY LOVE GODDAMNIT.

So get your sexy ass there, okay?
You can RSVP here for freezies .

And I wanna know: what do you think about advertisements and honest representation? Is it possible to sell as much if you show something other than the media's "ideal"? Is this sustainable? Should more companies follow suit? What does the world look like when we don't hate ourselves?

Talk to me bitches.
I know you're smart.

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