Fat ladies stress more on dates. Well, yeah!
Choosing the right camera lens.
The power of vulnerability.
Who gives a fuck about the Oxford comma? I do.
Dexter has a board game, and I'm getting it for His birthday.
Turn your cat into Superman, Elvis, or a pirate. Squeeeee!!!
How to tell if a toy is for a boy or a girl.
I've been following Cari Waymans photography for 8 years. There is a reason for that.
Dont let Victoria's Secret trick you into feeling shitty.
This list of 75 gifts for your young feminist is awesome.
A friend starts every year with a theme. This year was The Year of Fear. Her writing is HILARIOUS.
A Netherlands gym fat shames those waiting for the bus.
This innocent and soft photo shoot.
I wish she could tattoo me.
Brass knuckle iPhone cases are the shit.
6 Plus models that are changing the industry.
How to live with a crazy person.
I ordered this book the second I found out it existed.
We've been talking a lot about mental health and guns lately. NY Times especially.
Disney covers the story of menstruation.
Melissa Blake blogs about her physical disability. She is rad.
I'm so proud of the Mormon feminists who bravely wore pants to church.despite death threats? WTF?
Identical twins... that aren't related!
It's a little late but still profound: Hipster Thanksgivings.
Beautiful self portraits of a 20 year old.
xoJane's Emily was assaulted by a cab driver and the whole article is worth reading. My favorite quote is this:

I could ramble on about all the "mistakes" I made that put me in this situation: I drank too much the night before, I dozed off, I got in the front seat, etc. But screw that. While I wouldn't advise another young girl new to New York to handle the events the same way as I did, as Emily has written about many times, it's their fault, not ours, no matter what you tell yourself with the heavy weight of denial and depression pressed upon your shoulders.

Should we stop calling people classy?
4 signs you should 
break up with your bestie.
Hey asshole, just because you like fat chicks doesn't earn you an award.
Everyones boobs are normal.
And what exactly are good boobs?
My Him and I laughed for hours at this Tumblr
I fucking love THIS MAGAZINE.
SEO secrets.
Hipster dads blog too
"Your body is not the best thing about you, your body is not the worst thing about you" illustration.
I want to buy Kristie Alley's cottage. Today.

///EDIT: Things that are being blamed for Sandy Hook: gay marriage, Obama, The Hunger Games, godless schools, and Fisher Price toys. Jesus fucking christ.///

Any links that you're loving that you want to share?!?!?


  1. oh golly. i've got the beth ditto book reserved at the library. i can't wait!

    and i'm hopelessly devoted to emily at xo jane. her honesty gives me hope for the world (and myself.) i've also developed a bit of a crush on mandy. her post on being tall made me very happy.

    i was really glad i'd read this:

  2. I saw that Disney menstruation video a while back and it's really cool.

    But something that I think you will like is this Tumblr.

    Enjoy them cats ;D

  3. Thanks for including my SEO Secrets post here! Loving your blog and your style!!

  4. I really enjoy that oxford comma picture :D

  5. That gym fat shaming people iwth the weight-seat is just freaking awful - holy cow. I find that outrageous.
    Same with the NY cab experience - I've always been a bit nervous with cabbies and normally try and split a cab with my guy friends to make sure I'm all good. And I always pick the back seat.

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love the Hipster Dad link - only 1 blog on my blogroll is written by a male currently!

  7. this list is so great— i've clicked through about half of them so far and have loved them all. can't wait to catch up on the rest of them, too. thanks for sharing all these, i know they can sometimes be a bit hard to put together!


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